Website Manager

American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.


Sponsorship and Fundraising


Spirit Wear
With every purchase of Spirit Wear from Tote-ally Unique, Newaygo AYSO receives 25% of the sale.
The money earned helps us with equipment upgrades, field maintenance, coach and board training, scholarships, and much more.
These are things that are needed to keep the program running smoothly and efficiently.
Tote-Ally Unique

Seasonal Fundraisers
Each season our volunteer Fundraising Coordinator will ask for your help!  The Fundraisers may change, but the money raised always goes to the same place.  It helps Newaygo AYSO continue providing a valuable experience for the children of our community.

Concession Stand
Concession volunteers needed!  Due to a shortage of volunteers, the concession stand has not been open regularly for a couple seasons.  We'd like to change that!  Kids and guests alike love the concession stand and the money raised helps support our program.  Volunteer today!


Interested in becoming a sponsor?  We'd love to talk to you about it!  With 150 kids and their families each season, your sponsorship is greatly appreciated!

Become a Sponsor

Corporate & Individual Sponsorship


Dear Prospective Sponsor:


Welcome to Newaygo AYSO Region 1354.  The soccer season is upon us and it is time to seek sponsors for our program.  For those of you who have been sponsors in the past, your generosity is appreciated.  For those of you who are considering sponsoring for the first time, we welcome you to the soccer family.

The American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO), founded in 1964, is a non-profit, non-taxable, non-stock corporation whose objectives are to develop both the body and character of America’s youth by teaching soccer fundamentals and fair competition. 

To help attain these goals, AYSO relies on sponsors from the community. These sponsorships provide the backbone of the organization.  This sponsorship includes a sponsorship plaque which will be located on the sponsorship board at the Newaygo AYSO Soccer Fields. 

Newaygo AYSO has over 200 boys and girls, ages 4 to 18 playing soccer this year.  Your sponsorship will help us offset the cost of uniforms, equipment, field maintenance, coach and referee training, and awards. 

Sponsoring youth soccer can create a community awareness of your business, organization or as an individual.  Being a sponsor can instill pride in knowing that you are supporting the single largest youth organization in the United States.  By demonstrating this pride in America’s youth, your donation will contribute to the positive environment that AYSO strives to provide for the children in this country.

 AYSO is an all-volunteer organization and your contributions to our region are always greatly appreciated by the players, coaches, and board members.

AYSO sponsorships are tax deductible (see your CPA or Tax Consultant for details).  Fill out the third page and mail to address indicated with check.  I will mail a receipt for your records once payment is received. 


Please feel free to contact Newaygo AYSO at [email protected].


Newaygo AYSO 1354

PO BOX 767

Newaygo, MI 49337


Newaygo AYSO Region 1354


Please make the check payable to AYSO Region 1354 and mail to the above address.


Please print the following information as you would like it to appear.


Business Name: _________________________________________________


Business Address:______________________________________________


City: ______________________ State: ________ Zip Code: __________


Business Phone: (     ) ___________________________


Contact Person: ________________________________________


Circle which level of sponsorship

Division Sponsor                            Level Sponsor

Field Sponsor                                 Complex Sponsor


Please email logo graphic files.  If there are any changes, please include that in your email.

If you have any questions, please contact Angelica Coronado 231.349.4485

Sponsorship levels



Division Sponsor:  $250.00

·       Company Name listed on Region Facebook page, website and printed materials.

·       Company yard sign to be set out on our field every game day or event.

·       Tax Receipt for donation. 


Field Sponsor: $350.00

·       Everything listed under Division Sponsor PLUS

·       1 “yard sign” to be displayed on our fields.  You design the sign and submit it to us for printing.   Choice of Field for displaying sign.

·       T-shirt


Level Sponsor:  $500.00

·       Everything listed under Division Sponsor PLUS

·       2 “yard signs” to be displayed on our fields.  Choice of Field Level for displaying signs.  You design the signs (same design on both signs) and submit it to us for printing.


Complex Sponsor: $1,000.00

·       Everything listed under Division Sponsor PLUS

·       4  “yard signs” to be displayed on our fields.  You design the sign (same design on all 4 signs) and submit it to us for printing.

·       One 3ft x5ft one –sided, full color vinyl banner to be displayed on our fields.  You design the banner and submit it to us for printing. 

National Partners

Newaygo AYSO 1354 Sponsors

Contact Us

Newaygo AYSO Region 1354

PO Box 767 
Newaygo, Michigan 49337

Email Us: [email protected]
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